Precancel collecting although a relatively small area of philatelic specialties, is supported by an immense amount of literature. It is often said “precancel collectors love catalogs.” In-print (currently available) literature covers the basics for the novice precancel collector. Once you have been collecting a certain area for a while, you will probably want more detailed information. The out-of-print literature has the more detailed information and can be hard to find. Out-of-print literature is highly collectible and valuable as it contains more information about the vast world of precancel collecting that is still relevant today.
1904 – 2021 (June 2022)
Compiled by Jim Callis and Susan Kolze
This bibliography is the definitive work covering precancel literature in printed format containing both in-print and out-of-print literature.
The earliest precancel publication known to exist is the 1904 Smith and Duck catalog. There may be an earlier catalog, but no surviving copy has been found (see the introduction to the Catalog Section). There are some articles in the general Philatelic literature of the late 1800s chronicling precancels, even before the name precancel was adopted. The first regularly issued periodical devoted to precancels was The Precancel Monthly which appeared in February 1911. More than 175 titles have appeared during the last eleven decades. Some are simple, some are loaded with information. Fortunately for users, there are indexes available for many of the meatier titles (see the introduction to the Periodicals Section)
The bibliography is broken down into 5 comprehensive sections:
Click here to download the entire Bibliography of Precancel Literature pdf
Where To Find It?
You can find precancel literature directly from the publishers, from philatelic supply houses, or from dealers. Here are several good sources:
- Precancel Literature published by the PSS:
- Precancel Literature with PSS Member Pricing (@10% off)
- Join PSS Today for Discounts on Catalogs,! Only $5 1st Year: – First Year Just $5!
- Precancel Checklists: Here are items put together & sold by Arnold Selengut
- Other Precancel Works: These are self-published by specialists and collectors or other Stamp Societies.