Scott Shaulis
P.O. Box 549
Murrysville, PA 15668
[email protected]
K&P Bureau Precancel Album: Here is a single album to mount all of your bureau precancels. $40. Postpaid in the U.S.
New England Precancel Club
Box 497
Dublin, NH 03444
New England Town & Type Album 152 pages and printed on 100lb paper.
NEW LOWER PRICE $29.00 $39.00, postpaid.
Larry Patterson
P.O. Box 3442
Cary, NC 27519-3442
War and Defense Precancel Catalog Lists all known precancels on the War and Defense issues. $84.19 postpaid in the U.S. Checks and Paypal accepted.
Using a Town and Type Catalog to Start a Precancel Stamp Collection Assistance in learning to use the PSS Town and Type Catalog. $1.60 postpaid in the U.S.
National and Service Inscribed (NSI) Precancels Catalog contains precancels formerly included in Part III of the PSS Bureau Precancel Catalog, 5th Edition (2005) and precancels released by USPS after publication of that Catalog. Available version pdf $15.
Also available as database for use with PSS Computer Program for Windows on Publications page.
Charles Adrion
Alabama Precancel Catalog & Guidebook Contains listing of all stamps known precanceled from Alabama. Freely available at this link! (Note: Adobe Acrobat Reader required)
Montana Precancel Catalog & Guidebook Contains listing of all stamps known precanceled from Montana. Freely available at this link! (Note: Adobe Acrobat Reader required)
Vermont Precancel Catalog & Guidebook Contains listing of all stamps known precanceled from Vermont. Freely available at this link! (Note: Adobe Acrobat Reader required)
Josh Furman
U. S. Precanceled Postal Cards 1874 – 1961 by Josh Furman (2020)Available from United Postal Stationery Society