Club Information
Welcome to the Albuquerque Precancel Club. The purpose of the club is to foster and
encourage the collection, study, enjoyment, sharing, and exhibit of stamps and philatelic items bearing precancels of any country and era. We are affiliated with the Precancel Stamp Society of the United States.
We meet monthly at a location in the Albuquerque area. Our meetings generally include “Show-and-Tell” of materials and collections, help with identification of items, review of related literature, and discussions of precancel collecting topics. Members are invited and encouraged to bring their own materials and topics to meetings and to share information about their collecting activities.
Club business is also transacted at meetings when appropriate.
Meetings are held at a time and place determined by the Executive Committee. Click here to check PSS Events Page for current meeting dates and location.
Email notices of upcoming meetings will be sent about one week prior, indicating the exact time and place.
Donations of precancel materials or supplies are welcome and will be used to fund activities of the club.
All members are welcome, and guests are encouraged.
New and Prospective Member Information
Membership dues are $12.00/year. The club year runs from July 1 of the current year to June 30th of the following year. Members will receive a membership card with a serialized membership number. Members will also receive our quarterly newsletter, “El Boletín”. Both of these items, as well as most regular communications from the club, will be sent via email as PDF documents. Please notify the club Secretary of changes to your physical address or email address. Click here for the ALBUQUERQUE PRECANCEL CLUB MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION.
Quarterly newsletter, “El Boletín”
Click here to view a sample “El Boletín” newsletter.
Members may place ads seeking to sell or buy precancel or related philatelic material in the newsletter. Please email ads as plain text to the Editor, and include your contact info (email preferred).
Members are also welcome and encouraged to submit articles for publication in the newsletter. Please email the editor requesting submission guidelines, or see a recent copy of the newsletter for examples.
The current officers are listed below with email contact info.
President: Loren Neuharth, [email protected]
Secretary, and Newsletter Editor: Tim Howard, [email protected]
Treasurer: Tom Stone, [email protected]