- First THURSDAY of Every Month: Albuquerque Precancel Club: 7:00pm Bear Canyon Senior Center Room 1, 4645 Pitt St. NE , Albuquerque, New Mexico. Contact Loren Neuharth [email protected] or Tim Howard [email protected]
- THIRD TUESDAY of Every Month: PSS Zoom Meeting usually 3:30PM ET. PSS Members with an email address on file will get an email with the exact time and a link to join the Zoom about one week prior. All members are welcome for general precancel discussion and Q&A. Also get help with tough to identify precancels. Click here to view videos of prior meetings.
- April 4-5 2025 New England Precancel Club Meeting: Marriott Courtyard, 3 Eagle Road, Danbury Connecticut, off Exit 8 on I-84. Friday: 9AM – 9PM, Saturday: 8AM – 3PM
April 9 – 11, 2025 California Spring Roundup: NEW Location Oxford Suites Paso Robles. 2615 800 4th Street, Paso Robles, CA 93446. 805-237-0305. To make a reservation, call the hotel BEFORE February 22nd and mention that you are with the Precancel Society to receive the group rate. After the 22nd, the rates go back to normal (more expensive) and we might not receive credit for room nights. The contact person at hotel is Ja’Quan Sayres. Ask for him is you have any issues making reservation. For more info, contact Tim Hebel.
- May 2 – 3 2025 Ohio Precancel Club (OPC) SPRING Gathering: McKinley Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie 2370, 5024 Monticello Ave NW, Canton, Ohio 44708. Friday 9am-9pm Saturday 9am-3pm. Access to the venue is direct walk-in with no steps. Parking and admission is free. There is plenty of reasonably priced lodging in the area. The OPC business meeting will be at 2pm on Friday. For more information, contact Bill Latchic 740-260-2891 or Marty Adams.
- June 6-7 2025: Missouri Mulefest: Arlington United Methodist Church, 3770 McKelvey Road, Bridgeton, MO, Friday 9am-10pm, Saturday 8am-3pm.
- June 14 2025: Dutch Study Group: in de Paulus School Roerdompstraat 76 6601 DL Wijchen The Netherlands. For more info, contact Mike Molle.
- August 4-9 2025: PSS 104th Convention: Albuquerque, New Mexico
Sheraton Albuquerque Airport Hotel adjacent to the Albuquerque Airport; offers full service restaurant, cocktail lounge, fitness center, free parking, airport shuttle service, outdoor pool, and walking distance of nearby restaurants.Make reservations directly (by 7/03/2025): 1-505-843-7000 mention “Precancel Stamp Society Convention 2025” or “PSS Annual Meeting” to get $150/night rate.
Click here for the convention registration form due by 7/1/2025.
For more information, contact Tom [email protected].
- November 7-8 2025 New England Precancel Club Meeting: Marriott Courtyard, 3 Eagle Road, Danbury Connecticut, off Exit 8 on I-84. Friday: 9AM – 9PM, Saturday: 8AM – 3PM
- November 15 2025: Dutch Study Group: in de Paulus School Roerdompstraat 76 6601 DL Wijchen The Netherlands. For more info, contact Mike Molle.
May 23-30 2026: World Stamp Expo Boston, MassachusettsThis weeklong philatelic event will include hundreds of dealers, postal administrations from around the world, meetings, presentations, and competitive exhibits for collectors of every age. www.boston2026.orgPSS will have a table at the expo promoting precancel collecting, signing up members, and selling PSS catalogs and databases. The PSS will need volunteers to staff the table during the show and introduce others to the charms of precancels.