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Printed Catalogs:
PSS Town & Type Catalog of the US, 8th Ed, (2019) Paper Version
Printed catalog lists and prices all 42,502 precancel types from 21,350 towns. All standard type styles and local types illustrated. Significant introduction to precancels. PDF downloadable version is also available below.
PSS Bureau Precancel Catalog, 6th Ed, (2020) Paper Version
Printed catalog lists and prices all 9,421 stamps precanceled by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Illustrations of precancels showing every town and type. Significant introduction to Bureau precancels. PDF downloadable version is also available below.
Classic Precancel Catalog, Part 1, Precancels With Town Names on U.S. Issues Before 1908. (2011) Paper Version
Printed catalog lists and prices all 4,602 U.S. stamps issued before 1908 precanceled with town names. Every cancel from every town illustrated. PDF downloadable version is also available below.
Classic Precancel Catalog, Part 2a, Precancels on U.S. Issues in the Washington-Franklin Period, 1908-1921 (2014) Paper Version
Printed catalog lists and prices all 45,924 precanceled U.S. stamps issued between 1908 and 1921 from Alabama to Montana. Color section identifying the stamps, and illustrating precancel rarities of this period. PDF downloadable version is also available below.
Classic Precancel Catalog, Part 2b, Precancels on U.S. Issues in the Washington-Franklin Period, 1908-1921 (2015) Paper Version
Printed catalog lists and prices all 43,378 precanceled U.S. stamps issued between 1908 and 1921 from Nebraska to Wyoming. Color section identifying the stamps, and illustrating precancel rarities of this period. PDF downloadable version is also available below.
Silent Precancels, a Catalog of Lines, Bars, and Designs on 19th and 20th Century Stamps (2016) Paper Version
Printed catalog illustrates and prices all known silent precancels (lines, bars, and designs) on U.S. stamps. Lists prices for examples on cover where known. 210pp 8.5 X 11” spiral bound, well-illustrated, most in color. Available in paper version only.
PSS Double Line Electro Catalog (DLE) (2021) Paper Version
Printed lists and prices all 12,302 U.S. stamps known to be precanceled with a Double Line Electroplate (DLE) precancel device, types 241 to 252. PDF downloadable and database versions are also available below.
Catalog of City Type Coils precanceled by coil machines, (2011) Paper Version
Printed catalog lists and prices every US stamp precanceled by a coil machine. Available in paper version only.
Precanceled Envelopes of the United States, 4th Ed, (2014) Paper Version
Printed catalog lists and prices every precanceled US envelope. PDF downloadable version is also available.
PSS Catalog of 1932 Washington Bicentennial Precancels, (2016) Paper Version
Printed catalog lists and prices all known 1932 Washington Bicentennial precanceled stamps. Completely updated catalog of these issues featuring in depth research of all known precancel types appearing on Bicent stamps, as well as hundreds of precancel look-alikes. 866 pages, Profusely illustrated in color. Six appendices. PDF downloadable version is also available below.
13 cent 1917 Apple Green Catalog of Precancels (2006) Paper Version
Printed catalog lists and prices every precanceled Scott #513. PDF downloadable version is also available below.
Printed Dated Control Type Precancel Catalog, (2019) Paper Version
Printed catalog listing of the recognized printed dated controls with pricing for all types. PDF downloadable version is also available below.
International Precancel Catalog, 1st Ed, (2005) Paper Version
Printed catalog of International precancels from all countries except the U.S. and Canada. Available in paper version only.
Catalog of Perfined Precancels of the US, 3rd Ed. (2020) Paper Version
Printed catalog lists and prices all known Perfined Precancels (Prepers) of the United States. Completely updated catalog of these issues featuring in depth research. A joint publication of the Perfins Club and the PSS. It has over 42,000 listings from over 2,200 Preper combinations from 384 towns around the country. 597 pages, Illustrated. PDF downloadable version is also available below.
.PDF File Downloads:
Note: .PDF files are identical to the printed catalog. They are NOT the database files for the program, which can be purchased below.
Database Downloads:
PSS Computer Program for Windows (FREE) – Computer Program for Microsoft Windows (XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10). Free version is fully functional including Town and Type and Bureau databases, RESTRICTED TO THE STATE OF ALABAMA. Click on this Link: ( to go to the free download page to download for free, as well as access installation instructions.
The following databases may be purchased to use with the PSS Computer Program for Windows.
PSS Town & Type 8th Ed. Database for use with PSS Computer Program for Windows.
Full authorization to access all states in the Town and Type 8th Edition database. Requires prior download of free PSS Computer Program for Windows. ( Exact content of Town and Type printed catalog listings. Keep track of your collection, make custom albums. You will receive your authorization code within 24 hours after checkout or verification of payment by check.
Price: $44.00
PSS Bureau Database for use with PSS Computer Program for Windows.
Full authorization for NEW USERS to access all states in the Bureau database. Existing users are automatically updated for free. Requires prior download of free PSS Computer Program for Windows (Version 8.0.5 or later). ( Exact content of Bureau printed catalog listings. Keep track of your collection, make custom albums. You will receive your authorization code within 24 hours after checkout or verification of payment by check.
Price: $21.00
PSS Bureau Coil Pair Varieties Database for use with PSS Computer Program for Windows
This database contains a row for each Bureau precancel coil stamp with normal pricing for a single stamp, together with three additional rows for specific pricing of gap pairs, line pairs, and line-gap pairs. Values are based on page xvi of the 6th Edition Bureau Catalog.
To use this database, you must have purchased the PSS Bureau Database and have the free PSS Computer Program for Windows Version 8.0.7 or higher.
Price: $6.00
PSS Classic Precancel Catalog, Part 1, Database for use with PSS Computer Program for Windows
The PSS Classic Precancel Catalog, Part 1, with 4,602 precancels before 1908. Profusely illustrated. Requires prior download of free PSS Computer Program for Windows ( and purchased authorization for Town and Type database. You will receive the link to download this database, as well as installation instructions, upon checkout.
Price: $21.00
Classic Precancel Catalog, Part 2a, Precancels of the Washington-Franklin Period, 1908-1921, Database for use with PSS Computer Program for Windows
The Washington-Franklin Period Precancel Catalog, part 2a (Alabama to Montana), with 45,924 entries. Profusely illustrated. Requires prior download of free PSS Computer Program for Windows ( and purchased authorization for Town and Type database. You will receive the link to download this database, as well as installation instructions, upon checkout.
Price: $21.00
Classic Precancel Catalog, Part 2b, Precancels of the Washington-Franklin Period, 1908-1921, Database for use with PSS Computer Program for Windows
The Washington-Franklin Period Precancel Catalog, part 2b (Nebraska to Wyoming), with 43,378 entries. Profusely illustrated. Requires prior download of free PSS Computer Program for Windows ( and purchased authorization for Town and Type database. You will receive the link to download this database, as well as installation instructions, upon checkout.
Price: $21.00
PSS Double Line Electro Database (DLE) (2021) for use with PSS Computer Program for Windows
The PSS Double Line Electro Catalog (DLE) (2021) catalog of 12,302 double line electro precancels in database form. Requires prior download of free PSS Computer Program for Windows ( and purchased authorization for Town and Type database. You will receive the link to download this database, as well as installation instructions, upon checkout.
Price: $21.00
PSS Catalog of 1932 Washington Bicentennial Precancels Database for use with PSS Computer Program for Windows
The PSS Catalog of 1932 Washington Bicentennial Precancels in database form. This database exactly matches the printed/pdf PSS Catalog of 1932 Washington Bicentennial Precancels (2016). Requires prior download of free PSS Computer Program for Windows ( AND purchased authorization for Town and Type database. You will receive the link to download this database, as well as installation instructions, upon checkout.
Price: $41.00
PSS Handstamp Control Database for use with PSS Computer Program for Windows (2020)
The PSS catalog of more than 12,800 handstamp dated control precancels. Only available in database form. Profusely illustrated, with more than 90% in full color. Requires prior download of free PSS Computer Program for Windows ( and purchased authorization for Town and Type database. You will receive the link to download this database, as well as installation instructions, upon checkout.
Price: $21.00
PSS Printed Dated Control Database for use with PSS Computer Program for Windows (2019)
The PSS catalog of more than 134,000 printed dated control precancels, the most comprehensive listing of these precancels ever. Only available in database form. All controls are illustrated, covering MW (Montgomery Ward) as well as non-MW printed dated stamps. Requires prior download of free PSS Computer Program for Windows ( and purchased authorization for Town and Type database. You will receive the link to download this database, as well as installation instructions, upon checkout.
REVISION COMING SOON! We are planning a new release around the end of 2024.
Price: $41.00
National and Service Inscribed (NSI) Precancels Database for use with PSS Computer Program for Windows (NSI 2024) (member&non-member)
This database contains precancels formerly included in Part III of the PSS Bureau Precancel Catalog, 5th Edition (2005) and precancels released by USPS after publication of that Catalog, current through 2024. Catalog available as a pdf on
Other Self-Published Precancel Literature page). All known NSI precancels illustrated in color. Requires prior download of free PSS Computer Program for Windows ( and purchased authorization for Town and Type database. You will receive the link to download this database, as well as installation instructions, upon checkout.
Price: $21.00
PSS Michigan State Database (2022) for use with PSS Computer Program for Windows
This database is the first comprehensive catalog of Michigan state precancels, based on a prominent precancel collector’s virtually complete collection. 38,759 entries are listed with descriptive labels for all stamps precanceled in Michigan. Powerful commands for searching and album making included. An ideal companion to this database is the Michigan Catalog of Precanceled Stamps (2022) text catalog PDF, found on this page.
To use this database, you must have purchased the PSS Town and Type Database and have the free PSS Computer Program for Windows Version 8.1.1 or higher.
You will receive the link to download this database, as well as installation and usage instructions, upon checkout.
Price: $21.00
PSS Missouri State Database (2024) for use with PSS Computer Program for Windows
This database is the first comprehensive catalog of Missouri state precancels. 71,502 entries are listed with descriptive labels for all stamps precanceled in Missouri. Powerful commands for searching and custom album making included. Ideal companions to this database are the Missouri Catalog of Precanceled Stamps (2024) text catalog PDF and PSS Missouri State Album (2024), found on this page. To use this database, you must have purchased the PSS Town and Type Database and have the free PSS Computer Program for Windows Version 8.1.6 or higher. You will receive the link to download this database, as well as installation and usage instructions, after successful checkout.
Price: $21.00